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Pro Moves: Grow Your Own Fre$h Herbs
Ria Clemente / /

Pro Moves: Grow Your Own Fre$h Herbs

Spring is here and we cannot wait for the warmer and brighter days that'll help us get over this seasonal depression....

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    Spring is here and we cannot wait for the warmer and brighter days that'll help us get over this seasonal depression. It's also the perfect time to start exercising our green thumb in time for fre$h summer roll and pesto pasta season! Lucky for you, BUBBLE found the most adorable Window Garden Kits perfect for both the Martha Stewart, green house gardening pros to gardening noob, urban dwellers with tiny apartments. 

    Here's what you'll need: Dark green/brown bottles (500-1000mL, rinsed well), Urban Leaf's Window Garden Kit, and water.

     STEP 1: Fill your bottle to the top with room temperature water.

    STEP 2: Insert the tube inside the bottle. Watch out for splashes, some water might overflow. After a minute, the soil will be wet but not under water.

     STEP 3: Plant your seeds and cover with a germination sticker. The germination sticker stays on until you see the first little sprout!

    STEP 4: Label and place in a well-LIT spot!

     Now the waiting game! This self-watering plant only needs to be refilled every couple of weeks, when you notice that the water inside the bottle is low. In the meantime, just let it grow and get ready for FRE$H herbs!


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